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Our Cables

SAm-1 , with a length of nearly 25,000 km, is a subsea fiber-optic cable ring that is laid on the seabed surrounding Latin America. It is the fifth longest submarine cable system in the world and has a capacity that currently stands at 20 Tbps. It has fiber route extensions to Ecuador, Colombia and the Dominican Republic, in addition to the trans-Andean and trans-Guatemalan terrestrial backbones.

It interconnects the American coasts of the Caribbean, the Atlantic and the Pacific, with various landing points. Its northernmost landing point is located in Boca Raton (Florida – USA) and the southernmost, in Valparaíso (Chile) and Las Toninas (Argentina).

20 Tbps
of capacity
25,000 km
in length
Subsea fibre-optic cable ring
circumnavigating Latin America